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Huawei Claims They Have Something Better Than The Linux Kernel

Huawei is known for its interesting innovations in smartphone tech. So, it is an intriguing claim.

Many of us know and love what the Linux kernel has to offer, but we still have really great alternatives around in the form of the many BSD-based derivatives out there.

But, as it stands, a new competitor to the Linux kernel has come up from the house of Huawei. Let's see what that is all about.

Suggested Read 📖

What is Linux? Why There are 100’s of Linux OS?
Cannot figure out what is Linux and why there are so many of Linux? This analogy explains things in a simpler manner.
The quotes mentioned in this article have been translated from Chinese (Simplified).

What's Happening: According to a recent report, Huawei has unveiled a new kernel called “Harmony kernel” for its next generation of HarmonyOS that claims to be three times more efficient than the Linux kernel.

a photo showing the ceo of huawei consumer business group presenting harmony kernel
Pic Credit: HC Newsroom

Announced during an event where Yu Chengdong, the CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Group, unveiled what HarmonyOS NEXT would offer. He said that their company had made “a true OS this time which installs full-stack self-developed technologies and doesn't rely upon the U.S. traditional Linux cores”.

As for the Harmony kernel, Yu added that it uses a “heterogeneous native-like” mechanism to offer a smooth experience, and that the Harmony kernel implementation for HarmonyOS NEXT is three times more memory efficient than Linux.

They also claim that they have used “effective internal components” to suit all kinds of devices, ranging from smartphones, tablets, foldables, and more.

On the security side of things, the Harmony kernel has been said to qualify for three certification standards: CC EAL 6+, ASIL-D, and IEC 61508 making way for a secure experience across many verticals.

a photo showing the ceo of huawei consumer business group showcasing the security features of harmony kernel
Pic Credit: HC Newsroom

Does it Matter?

If you ask me, it does for Huawei's home country, China, as in recent times they have been the target of many sanctions from the United States.

Developing a kernel is just one of the things they are pushing for in their bid to be a more self-reliant nation, though the methods they have been using is a matter of great controversy.

Even just a few months back, many GOP lawmakers were calling for stricter sanctions on Huawei, and according to a recent report, it appears that Huawei is not taking no for an answer.

But, so far, we only have Huawei's claims about how the Harmony kernel performs, only time will tell if there is any weight behind this claim.

However, one thing is getting more clear day-by-day, more and more nations are now pushing towards self-reliance than ever before, trying to end their dependence on foreign tech.

💬 What do you think? Will Huawei succeed in their endeavor of making something more efficient than the Linux kernel?

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FauxHandle note that the open cource part of HarmonyOS id called OpenHarmony.
Here the Gitee project of one open source kernel made by them.
Is it Open Source or not? With Linux there is slight possibility for source audit, with closed source proprietary OS from China, there will be less interest in the devices on international market, however smooth experience it will offer.
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Roquefort Pavingstone
“doesn't rely upon the U.S. traditional Linux cores”

What does that even mean? How is linux American? It’s open, it belongs to the world.
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ha ha that’s pretty much a tall claim. anyway I’ll believe it when I see it. Huawei doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to their claims on HarmonyOS.
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les chang
Sorry. I don’t want Chinese Communists peering over my desktop. I’ll stick with the Linux Kernel. Thanks, Linus!
Meh. If it's better then it will just get reverse engineered and added info Linux.
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Leslie Satenstein
For small embedded devices, with limited concurrent end-users, Huawei claims may prove correct. However, Linux is really meant for large,to very-large systems, where the Huawei kernel may not be right for scheduling, parsing, handling multi-concurrent tightly and loosely coupled systems, etc. Linux did not come to be Linux without 25 years of evolution, with trial and error along the way.
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  1. Dear China, Proved open firmware/software is your only competitive selling point. Opps.

  2. All governments are taking advantage of the fact we do not have sufficient open firmware component devices. Because the public does not fear closed devices equal a form of slavery and manipulation. Hope = Open firmware and software such as Linux based SUCCESS we already have, at least as a choice in part.

  3. STOP buying anything with closed firmware. Yes, look it up. It’s like going to work and paying them instead of getting paid for your labor. “End of life” and no support is out of control. You can’t even get BIOS upgraded when they are necessary. There is no excuse for at least leaving upgrades for customers to download.

  4. Business is expense always cited and a factor to be sure; but the elephant in the room is THE OPEN COMMUNITY WILL DO IT FOR YOU; if a manufacturer does their LESS expensive minimal part. OPEN requires no code secrecy! Required CLOSED code secrecy will be everyone lack of security.

  5. We often forget; if you are hacked by your own government then you are hacked by them all. This is not a theory. It’s every governments job. Close firmware = Dystopian world for real. AND already digressed and quickly worsening at a feverish pace.

  6. Corporations and/or their size is not wrong; when large, by a truly better product or service and at a better price/value. It is monopoly abuse and specifically a lack of real free enterprise and with government mixing; that is everyone’s world wide problem. Obviously any form of Marxism fails out the gate here. But make no mistake; every product or service is now competing world wide. These attempts to block it will fail and severely degrade any nation not changing their old ways toward open product and realizing you DO NOT have to be unsafe to drop the BS red tape and bad attitudes about your job function. Too many people looking to get paid as they puposely take down their employer. It’s madness. “Working for the man”. Lack of unbiased, truthful education. Basic business 101. And confusing the need for workplace excellence and very high performance with your basic human worth. Such as only working when your boss is watching. Yes it’s important to do the part you do better and better; but also understanding where it fits in to the whole. Purposeful and positive. The enemy is always the mixed up lies we think are true and many human biases must be exposed. Such as rich bias. Most people think financial independence is evil and selfish and it’s got to stop or we’re all drones. Wake up and see working a regular JOB is just the beginning and your REQUIRE multiple streams of income. WITHOUT of taxing your time. You are not trying to just save enough retire and not run out of money. You are best building wealth (investments, equities into your Roths); that can, by saving regularly and compounding of time (start no) then never stop GROWING. Even when you are taking a high salary ($100K? You decide), from it and for the rest of your life. Then decide if your family gets financial independence for the rest their life. Depending on if they can handle it and pass it on to their family. Why? First it’s not evil to receive an inheritance. It is to waste it. And not everyone plays along with right and wrong. Just think; axe murderers (as offspring) do not automatically get large inheritances. YOU would not give wealth to evil doers. It’s irresponsible. And if you think the law dictates your right to receive your share you are mistaken. We all should ask if we will do right and good if financially independent. And we can’t stop people being untrue to their own selves. But this works, to have most more people in a nation being honest; starting with their self. Including what you know Jesus said out His own mouth. Who do you say He was; because your answer determines your freedom. It’s just I am impressed with the comments here and hope to be a part of our better future. Because we are both INDIVIDUAL and in groups. Man’s freewil is never in counter to our Creator’s. It is with His YES, to our yes or sadly our no as a slave. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOUR THINKING. We must continually expose our own lies or only atrophy remains. You existed when conceived and you exist now. There is no kinda existence or kinda nonexistence. Why would preach that depressing illogical thought; giving death power to eventually destroy you? Why would you just assume nonexistence is next for your existent spirit? The question is our forthcoming Life or Death; never nonexistence. Know who you are. Heaven or hell to come; still you could not have been randomly created. And you have the stamp of the Creator; that we know could not have been created; by definition. It’s NOT that hard people. A build had a creator. Even UNLIMITED amounts of time would never create that building by chance. And technically chance is just language we use when something is unknown to us(perspective). Which is fine in language. But a building by mankind can not be strictly perfect. So we KNOW it was made by an imperfect creator. But with people then remove the half truth thinking, for the truth. You were planted by your father; but knit in your mothers womb, by a creator like the building; however now far beyond mankind or any mortal doctor. We call birth natural and it is typically seen; but every birth is a miracle. Mankind can’t put us together. But you are not just a flawed object; due to true (activated or stopped) inherited genetic atrophies (science proves is degrading over generations), many mild to even horrible cases of birth defects, deformities, illness etc... But CONTEXT. Our parents had parents and back, and back so they did also. Evidence. So did they have less and less genetic issues for the farther back you go? Fact, yes. Why is that? Two issues now. #1 Back is less people. Fact. Why? Because it proves all mankind (Not GOD or Angels) came from one couple, and so we are all in fact planted by one human man. This one man, called Adam (believe it or don’t); because his body, like ours was formed from the same PHYSICAL elements of the dirt, AKA our planet elements; because we know OUR bodies contain these elements. And we are not clay statues or rocks inanimate. SOMEHOW, we KNOW a creator breathed HIS Life into us. And #2 we can clearly see this would and could only be flawless, at the first. Unlike a building created by man. Why? Because a tainted, therefore pretending GOD can’t create anything perfect, in it’s time. Do not forget time, in your right thinking. Ignorance is not bliss. It’s soon a surprise correction. What is good at one time may not be good at another, correct? Absolutely and we know that. What to many are missing is this does show us GOD (everywhere and times, all seeing/knowledge, all powerful, the most) is pure good. The Holy One. Why because Jesus, yes Jesus Spirit created everything else too! Every physical thing includes everything on our planet Earth our cradle of Life, or we have none, our solar system, with its planets or our Earth could never have been suitable for life at all. Our galaxy for our solar system and expanding universe for all physical reality. Another “both” is reality consists of the Spiritual and the Physical. Not one or the other. Where we might name things dimensions and Earth ages(3) rightly; there is one singular universe. Why? Because more than one would REQUIRE more than one God, or another creator. What part of God was never created don’t you get? While folks are busy insisting God had a start, so creator. And they’re missing; not only could that not be The Creator and definition of GOD; but it’s not about our definitions of words and titles, AKA just what we call it, or even think about GOD; that Always One Good Creator, that GOD (of Abraham, Issac and Jacob) defines. We do not mean your god at work; which is just a boss. And I do not mean the god of this obviously imperfect, due to fallen world. Yes Death himself. That is a created angel of the dark side verity on top of them. The one other choice besides Jesus. The evil master of men, against Jesus. Who can’t + not pretend (or you’d have no choice of it) and to appear just as if he is Jesus light/understanding, to temp you; because that’s what a lie is. Made up. If you’re ‘seeing’ “nonexistance” of now existing you is what’s made up then you already know Heaven is not made up to make us feel better about nonexistence. And any adult rejecting Jesus gift to save us from our own confused condemnation is automatically then making up this extremely suicidal, nonexistence sad stop; robbing most or any lasting hope or purpose, now and potentially forever existing in crazy torment worse than anyone can imagine with out parole. And fear of hell CAN’T keep you out of it! God does not need to scare you; He DOES NOT take away your choice here. Love requires freedom (everyday and forever UNLIKE evil) and Jesus is freedom indeed. Hell is really just that bad, and we’re not hiding the logical truth about hell. Just like Heaven is so much better and greater than we can ask for or imagine completely yet. Sure! People have started evil cults, not from Jesus authentic, about heaven and crying lord, lord. I told you that’s how lies work. Pretending, by hiding behind the good every single time. Creating many half-truths; which ALL evil and lies do contains. Always miss defining the actual real. With only the spun, so fake truths. Like to feel good right now; but it kills you tomorrow stuff, in the many addiction categories. Where you must see the “real good” now and the most evil fake peace in light of the loss it brings. So stop letting people tell you to stop thinking authentically and asking questions and when about The Bible then don’t stop until you find your answers. You have not because you ask not. HONESTLY seek your creator who is invisible (Spirit not physical) Living Life Himself and watch Him answer. Study what is penned by men of Jesus own words, in context and with the rest. Starting with the chapter if not the book. Like the book of John. The close minded need not apply. Because you’d just be looking for how to make half-truths out of the powerful Bible. You will destroy yourself over time. And God’s power for living, individually for you is lock out from those who only want power to abuse. You can’t see the meaning, and His real power in you, unless you are humble to His flawlessness and your flaws confessed to Him. If any man says the does not sin then the truth is not in him. What’s in you? Did you know we’re ALL a mess? And that does not mean it’s OK. Were not talking about stubbing your toe. Moral sin. We say sin and mean sin and it’s death always with it WHEN done. Sin just means you didn’t even get the dart on the dart board at all. If the board were a moral issue. And our angle, process, data gathered so far, limited experience, and age (as adults) limit does not change the definition of good and bad. Moral (good for all) vs. immoral ugliness as seen in the outcome. We reap what we sow.

We used to be able to fall back on on people and their better (yet imperfect) groups; that had their logical thinking together. You should beware; those are limited today. Politically correct has become the new order and we can’t be sure it will cycle back to sanity. So you better decide for yourself now. Because you are not insignificant. BECAUSE you were knit by a perfect God then you have His family stamp, His given choice in His likeness. Not equal. His created children FROM His Life at your birth. Literally GOD is you only value. And it’s YOUR individual Life now, tangled up in your temporary, miraculous(systems not random) body. Including you living, life healing DNA programing code, by God’s input. Because birth is not our end creation at all, and we are still being made every single day; both physically and spiritually. The point is; your life is individual not AND BOTH a member of the human kind. And GOD himself is always an individual. We DO NOT lose our individuality in the 3rd redone Earth age of Heaven, as completely with Him. He is still Father and we are Sons and Daughters. The 1st physical Earth age included GOD’s/Jesus Holy Spirit then created angel spirits and was their perfect time of choice. Many miss noting God, being freedom the person, gave angles their choice. And Lucifer who WAS the top most beautiful angel was made perfect and good, note including that choice ABILITY. All was good so other than good what then Lucifer miss think about? He created and became vanity about his beauty and choose HIMSELF over God the Holy good. Becoming intelligently insane Satan; your accuser prime who would condemn you, all mankind. Because He wanted to be GOD and was not happy being angle 1. The first fallen angel and a 3rd fell with Him (read it). Logically then 2/3 BY THEIR CHOICE wisely stuck with God as under Him. And that does mean we have twice and many angels just like GOD cheering for us and double, over the demons who bring the lies. Don’t give them Any permission; but you can only do that with Jesus protection. Angels are not like the movies and beyond our scope. They are many and the evil ones are called Legion. Note; these are NOT male or female. They were not made physical and do not have parts to impregnate women. They can only impregnate false doctrine (illogical, half-truth) to tick lost men, who can/did grow large and impregnate women. Creating the so called Nephilim. So stop says fallen angels raped women, without their possessing lost men. The days of Noah were worse than we can imagine. The point was that is what lost men can become and will again soon. If you are not willing to be different and I mean not follow the crowd then you’re not going to survive. Including gettin’ saved, as they say. It’s not something you can work at; just accept. Choice is not work. It’s not yours vs. God’s choice. It’s both YES and yes, individually and voluntarily. And YOUR deciding to stay with Him everyday. He will never leave you. That’s on you. But BE CAREFUL. Because you are a real slave until you choose Jesus. Then you are free indeed. Don’t be like a dog returning to it’s own vomit. The past is not your residence. Many think trust Jesus for your mysterious future make one shameful and guilty. LOL. That’s what you are and can not sake BEFORE. Once you honestly decide to drop your sins, even if you have to work your way out of many addictions then the shame and guilt is GONE, if you only look at the truth. That never makes bad deeds OK. You must be willing to change and go do that work AFTER you decided to change your mind/thinking and continue to repent and vomit your start eating again. But if you ACTUALLY stay in the vomit why would you think you don’t get the rewards of the evil DEEDS DONE. Not thinking about it, which is the seed to avoid. Not thought police; but YOU. Police you own thought for better. Simple because we then follow and do our thinking believed. For better or worse. So never fear anything (sorrows, dead END); but GOD (respect “fear” as not a mere man not limited mind of us. He is the ONE(Jesus the finisher) who decides our destination; by our choice to know Him). Whether you are with me or not here; you NEED to study GOD honestly. Why not? You either see the Light or think this is the big man made religion(and accept sad nonexistence with zero point in life). What good is eating, drinking, and making merry is nonexistence is our only fate. Kid? No because they would get the same fate. See? Pointless. Please reject that thinking of monstrous and cold, hard, CLOSED hearted killers. It will destroy you. Jesus is not the destroyer.

But He has a specific purpose and a specific plan for your individual life, in the whole of all things. And did you know its as if ONE river of life. That ”But I took the road less traveled by“(famous) is cute; but you would want to understand there really isn’t two roads. This is deep… Fair warning. That other choice (unfaithful fear of sorrows so your own guessing way) is nothing but a dead end. Ending in hell, existing in death forever. The road truly less traveled by is walking by faith, and that’s not a flavor of the month church or conflicting religious core mission documentation. I do NOT subscribe to Christ; because my parents did. They didn’t. So it’s a lie you would be buddist if you were rasied with them, etc… Else you would be able to lie and say all beliefs are false. Or all can be true; when they conflict at BASE. Only pretend on the surface, as evil does and must every time. The good news is you can learn to unpack half-truths and bust them up; if you know the real truth they are poorly hiding behind. And expose their false accusation, are what they are doing. And also two faced saying they are bad; but not for them. Thinking themselves above the law. Violating your differences, rights, equality and with hypocrisy at the same time.

But look the real is stranger than fiction and yet logically fits with the whole, evident and with perfect authenticity. God, with Jesus and as the I AM, before ALL things was NOT limited to seeing all in what we think of as then. Out past, present and future perspective is appropriate for our obovious lack of complete vision. But God’s thinking AND perspective is not limited. He does not just think about different time, He is in different times just as well. GOD is 4D I guess. Of course we will not here understand like He does. But amazing even with our limits; we can see something different there with GOD. Again I think that’s because of our family tie; Him being our Father creator. How can we start to think about eternity; because He made us for it; with Him. And there is the point of everything. GOD will make saints, numerous over our generations and is making His all volunteer-only children of His Love(returned), in His time.

And for some of you brethren out there please stop saying GOD is just big enough to be mean in His “sovereignty” and so creates folks just to go to hell. He knows what He is doing thank you. It really means GOD is much more love than we can imagine. And why need to study this. Wrath can be good; not against good. Wrath is for evil. Who can be good and not against evil? And it doesn’t matter when or if we see it correctly, in the light and bigger picture. GOD will never stop being good ALL THE TIME even when we’re scared of Him. It’s not like GOD will sin to keep you in the club. We are changing. His character is not changing, ever. I did not say we can’t see His different emotions. And could you not be really peeved at a beloved puppy and yet love them at the very same time? If the puppy get a newspaper pop on it’s tale until it stop pissing in the house then is God evil? And just because God will NEVER test you beyond what you can bare does not mean you willnot feel like you can’t bare it. So don’t piss on God or try to wrestle with Him.You will not like it. And BTW; do NOT (never, ever, ever) honestly pray for trials so you may learn a lot. LOL. I respect you may think that’s a good idea. It is not.

But God had to know what Lucifer was going to do BEFORE GOD made Him perfect, right. YES! So, why did GOD, the always good ALLOW Satan (as we say kinda amiss about GOD)?

  1. Love requires and creates only perfection at that time of origin. Freedom is perfection and we must give people their choices also. Satan choose His fake way, as if a god of the demons (and demons choosing the club) and stupidly took that deal. Wearing that crown now. Lucifer become death, our second base choice, of only those two masters.
Be careful referencing Satan: The devil does NOT want you to see(understand) him as he really is, or at all! An individual (choice) fallen angel prime, given up what God gave him. He is no myth; but by nature the pose of all reality in Truth. He can’t be acting real; as the kids say today. He is only real fake, promoting insanity always. Fake of who? Of JESUS! That is what antichrist means. Against Jesus. Learning is one thing; but don’t be against Jesus/Truth/Logic/Freedom or you are not the one in charge of you. Like evil leads you to think(wrong). You would be a slave to sin then. But satan, the lord/boss of the flies and dung heap, god of the immoral worldly is really all death/atrophy/decay put together; and with His crew of same old liers(The demon family of the knowledge of good-and-evil spun half-truths, AKA The Tree of death, not LIFE). All temporary fallen angels; and Greater Living Jesus is eternal. You are on one team or the other, once adults of course. And that adulthood thing probably starts many years sooner than your state laws would indicate. Kids need Jesus too.

  1. And you know Eden was not yet fallen, being God made as perfect LIKE heaven (but new man did not know Eden’s created goodness comparitively) and satan who hides (sepent like) already set for Hell enetered the garden and gave adam and eve the choice between Death/him and God who “walked” in the garden (Jesus Spirit manifest). The two “trees” or the actual base FAMILIES. And NOT the ones we are each born in necessarily. Depending clearly of who loves Jesus and who does not. Heart breaking as that often can be; due to folks may choose better at many different ages or sadly never. What family are you in at base, Life or death?
So why would you think atrophy started and increased is obviously perfectly good and healthy man, women and following families? The whole world and us are fallen form perfect goodness; though we are NOT accounted for what our forefather did, we still live with the fall because of them and posing satan they picked. And we are responsible for our own deeds, when we actually do them. God still Holy though. And this sin-debt to God can’t be in any way just for him to combine with and us, except for Jesus; can it? Being Holy and sinless on the cross AND One with God then His unjust punishment is enough for all mankind, to get the CHOICE. Not to come condemn us for trashing our 1st gift of Life individual LIKE His. No Jesus came to save us, so He could be with us WHO WILL. And only He set all this up. Not us. And it being BOTH our choice does not make us equal with GOD, ever. We can’t be not created. GOD is not created. Our goal is to be still GROWING, being created to be more and more just like Jesus in character, and even in heaven with all knowledge and glorified fully into new being, not refurbish person. God’s children. While all mankind can be called God’s children in creation; you must be born again to cover our sin debt justifiably. Jesus work, not ours does that; when this is adopted. This is a new spirit birth of individual you from Jesus Holy Spirit only. We are family; but never lost in it; nor without our GOOD individuality gifted by God. Jesus royal family image of freedom.

So look yes God knew satan brought death. God’s gift of freedom required this choice. Because just Life/GOD/Jesus alone in Eden can’t be a choice. And we know real angel spirits with JESUS are free indeed. Not still thinking about it as when new. And the fallen after satan demons (spirits, not movie crap) are set after the end of their 1st age, meaning they were given fair loving freedom of a perfect amount of time and picked their death. And we have until we leave this 2nd age, even if passed on after a car wreck today or our aging, of the two, between Life and Death. The two opposing FAMILES. Including the Kingdom of God, the purpose and point. And when God’s says the family death served their purpose of contrast; that doesn’t means evil is good somehow. It shows it isn’t. And you can not be gone 100% to hell completely, until you are. So change your mind before you can’t. Or don’t. I hope you do.

GOD (so called) “allowed” us freedom including our deathly choices to go our own way, in our limited understandings by creating Lucifer in the beginning, as so beautiful, the most (which doesn’t mean beauty is bad. It means vanity is bad.) So then how is GOD evil for all this suffering, the spirit of fear(sorrows,losses) and confusion with the devil accuser, his legion of messages, that can only lie (not just conceptually) and also mankind who currently are against Jesus, all put together? Because it feels bad? No God is so good, all the time, and times.

See unusual does not make something illogical. I have asked some tough questions and found answers most say are not possible for us see. You can’t know that until you try. Even then you might not be ready and can try later. This stuff is simple an even a child can understand and the basics. But you get complicated then better be ready to back it up and go deep. The reward is understanding and how things really are. Real purpose and postive GREATER hope. It’s getting rough out there and you need to know who you are. Stop looking for others to approve of you and please The Lord who is everyone Lord’s agreed or not. Not that you have to. Just if you really want The Truth.

For my Linux friends, that might be open. What good is our open computer if you are a slave to sin? Kicks sins ass out the door. Good character is needed now. Our nations are never going to help the world without Jesus. We are become slaves to big tech and national propaganda wars. Our youth have been tricked and to few are thinking about defeating the minds of a nation first with subtle propaganda. If not proved or highly probably, not circumstantial evidence then that internet fools… “walks like a duck, so ya know”. No it may not be a duck at all. But that is not what we are seeing today. Why are we sitting on the evidence? Please, what is your standard of good and evil. We can’t keep those backwards. It’s NOT about who thinks so. And we have to celebrate and enjoy good without reserve. And call evil what it is and of course do justly. I’m saying watch your thinking logic first. Why do we still trust fake news? How long will we allow people to lie to us? And when will we stop thinking lies are all easy for us to detect? We need to learn good ways to think for our-self. Trust Peace. Not the fake peace who destroys you.
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This is the company that was trying to pass off their AOSP fork as not an Android fork.
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Sibi Malayil
lots of people asking why new kernels , use linux , Chinese and indians are not stupid. american CPU and related hardwares are prone to hack , china developing new hardware with new assembly language instruction sets to pretct their systemsnow talk about linux kernels , kernels are just a It acts as the main intermediary between your computer's hardware and its software. Inside the CPU are millions of tiny switches called transistors. The kernel's instructions tell these transistors when to turn on and off. Each 'on' or 'off' is like a tiny decision the computer makes to perform a task, like opening a file or showing something on the screen. The kernel doesn't control each transistor directly; instead, it sends instructions that get turned into patterns of 'on' and 'off' switches in the CPU. This is how the kernel manages all the computer's tasks, making sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

, Linux, an operating system, can only work with a CPU if it 'understands' the CPU's language, known as its instruction set. Just like you need to know the right language to communicate with someone from another country, Linux needs to know the instruction set of the CPU to communicate with it. If China develops a new CPU with a completely different instruction set and doesn't share the details of this new language, then Linux won't be able to work with these CPUs. It's like trying to read a book written in a language you've never learned.

If someone knows the CPU instruction set and has the appropriate access to the system, they can potentially manipulate it. thats why china developing new cpu and kernels , they want to protect their country and their resources , Indians dont have it , well india need start think about this now , as indias all military secrets are open to americans
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Well, you’re wrong. If India or China wanted to use an open ISA, then they can simply use RISC-V. Second, even if they made their own ISA, the linux kernel is extremely portable and they can port it MUCH faster than build an entirely new kernel. You misunderstand the importance of an ISA. Having “appropriate access” to a system is more than enough to do harm to it. Even if it’s a closed source ISA, they will have to release a cross-compiler to compile for it and documentation for the same. India’s military secrets are not open to Americans just because they use x86.
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Jim anderson
If this kernel is really an improvement, there is little to prevent the many talented Linux developers from doing the same
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Good that Huawei is winning against the U.S. hegemony!
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Its FOSS Member
Welcome the OS with a caveat that it should not turn out to be a sibling of Pegasus (which is an app)
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Anything from China is suspicious. The Snoop Patrol. Forget it.
Signem Luoar
Je confirme ayant œuvré à Beijing le gouvernement dans le secteur des nouvelles technologie en 2014 et 2016. L’objectif était bien la souveraineté et d’éliminier tout ce qui était d’origine des USA.
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Now with free backdoors and ‘great’ firewall functionality. No thanks!
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Are you talking about American tech? Android, iOS???
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Jan Baarda
Huawei doesn’t have all the ballast from historic solutions and hardware support. If Harmony is open source than I’m willing to give it a try. Huawei has of course a gigantic home base with many IT Academics. Hopefully they make the code accessible for English readers like me.
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Can an open source code such as the Linux kernel be subject to an export ban as part of a political sanction?
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Roquefort Pavingstone
Nope. But a commercial product built on linux can.
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The two most important questions were not answered in the article:
First - is this Kernel Open Source ?
Secound - its it a fork of the Linux Kernel, or is it an indenpend development ?
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First - is this Kernel Open Source ?
Being a hybrid socially controlled country, it would be a big surprise if they release any opensource tech.

Secound - its it a fork of the Linux Kernel, or is it an indenpend development ?
China is less of an inventor, and more of a copy master.
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les chang
Communism is the antithesis of “open”
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I'm very supportive of Huawei and I'm sure their new kernal will help the Chinese KGB spy on us much more efficiently :)
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As much as I understand a country not wanting to be dependent upon another for strategically important technologies, this kind of schismatic behaviour makes the entire global economy less efficient. Everyone will be poorer if they feel they have to ‘roll their own’ technologies, rather than specialising in particular areas that they are good at.
I saw nothing in the article that says Harmony kernel is open-source. If it is we could look through it to see if there is any trapdoor etc. If it isn't open-source, then more likely the CCP has an agenda. Imagine trapdoors for the CCP to spy on devices operation and data. Or even worse a kill switch in which they could shut down systems in an area. It doesn't have to be limited to kill switches and trapdoors being incorporated into the kernel.
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Miguel Mayol
Yes, newer Intel and AMD CPU with ME (IME) and PSP are very dangerous USA tech solutions because of their spying and even shut down capabilities. And it would be nice to have alternatives with firmware and OS open sourced to be safe. And not be as those Russian rich people that believed in western ONU human right to private property respect.
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3 times more memory efficient - what does that even mean? Apps use memory, which the kernel makes available. JVM apps have a huge memory footprint, but that doesn't say anything about the kernel.
Energy efficiency might be an aspect, though.
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Huawei's decision to develop a new Linux kernel has raised many questions, particularly why they would choose to create their own version when they could simply use the existing open-source Linux kernel. The confusion stems from a lack of understanding about how computer systems operate. At the heart of these systems is the CPU, the central processing unit, which fundamentally operates on the basis of electrical signals, interpreting these signals through a complex process.
The role of an operating system's kernel is crucial here. It acts as a translator, converting low-level machine instructions into operations that the CPU can execute. These instructions are tied to the architecture of the CPU, which in most cases has been developed by American companies. This architectural dependency means that simply copying the Linux kernel wouldn't be effective for CPUs with different architectures.
This is where Huawei's strategy becomes clear. By developing their own CPUs, Huawei necessitates the creation of a customized kernel. This kernel must be tailored to communicate effectively with their unique CPU architecture. For example, in an Intel x86 64 architecture, a binary sequence like 010010 is interpreted as a specific command or data. Huawei's kernel would need to do the same for their proprietary CPU architecture.
The broader implication of this development is significant. Huawei's progress in creating its own kernel and CPUs suggests a move towards technological independence. Within the next 50 years, this could lead to a shift in the global balance of technological power, reducing reliance on American CPU and semiconductor technology. This trend is not limited to China; other countries like India are also investing in developing their own technological infrastructures, partly driven by the potential risk of American sanctions. This represents a dynamic shift in the global technological landscape, with more countries striving for self-reliance in critical technological sectors.
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This still doesn't make sense, Linux is not limited to a single CPU architecture. Recently there was work to make it run on M1 chips. There's more to this Huwaei story.
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Vinny , you dont know how CPU and Operating systems and softwares work behind the scene , especially how does it works on hardware after the programmer typed , thats why you think like this , Vinay chandra
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linux wont work if its not ARM , X86 , X86-64 , you are just lillte kid on it, Kernals are just assembly instructions to instruct CPU to pass or no pass electricity or control, thats it , it need to work wioth that particular supported models , it wont work with chinas new CPU models
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Did you get tha answer from ChatGPT?
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Liam Tormey
I’m sorry can someone smarter than me explain to me what the point is? Is Linux not open source? Why is Linux labeled as “American tech"? What does sanctions have to do with China using open source software? What does three times more memory efficient mean? Does that mean the kernal itself takes three times less space in memory? If so, that improvement seems so marginal.
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Curt mayer
This is stupid. It's open source. Just Fork it. Its not controlled by the USA.
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Knowing Huawei, it doesn't make a claim, it usually states facts
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Rathnadhar KV
Haiku OS is far superior to Linux..
Its graphics is ultra amazing

Its THE perfect OS for Smartphone and PC

Linux is monolithic architecture that has is dated …..Haiku is micro kernel that is adaptive and modern.

Linux kernel must make way for Haiku kernel
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Curt mayer
Microkernel will never be as efficient as a monolithic one. Those messages can not be as cheap as a procedure call. What planet do you live on?
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China, Russia, and India are all making advances in developing independent operating systems to leave US dominated Tech behind… I see a real rift in software compatability on the horizon.
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I would never trust anything Chinese or Russian so they can keep it no matter how good they claim it is.
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I wonder where Huawei stole this tech from…
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Imran Khan
Excellent news for too long we were waiting to see end of xionist usa domination in high tech , now china MUST share this technology with Muslim countries from middle East to turkiye to offer better alternative to xio guardian usa
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Roquefort Pavingstone
The linux kernel is open, it belongs to the world. It’s no more American than you or I.
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David VomLehn
What exactly is meant by three times more efficient? It may be that, as a microkernel, this is simply a matter of only loading the required kernel components. That would have no significant effect on overall memory usage.
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Ron Russell
Seriously? What originates from China should stay in China.
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Big brother
Of course, tea and gunpowder should have remained in China until westerners stole them
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Will it POSIX compliant?
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Not surprised, can see how the party are pushing to gain more control.
Although, a Chinesa ecosystem might benefit it.
However, we might expect a compatibility issues, so some software might break.

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