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12 Days of Tuxmas: Day 11

Read more, ad-free, for free

On the 4th day of Tuxmas, I announced the lifetime Plus membership of It's FOSS for a discounted price of $76. It will be $99 once the Tuxmas days are over.

And from what I see, it has received good response. With over 57 (at the time of writing this) new lifetime members joining in and 19 requests on additional payment methods.

As a lifetime member, you browse It's FOSS ad-free and can download the 'Linux for DevOps' eBook for free from the Plus member's resource page.

And now, there is an additional benefit of your lifetime membership.

Anyone joining the lifetime membership in Tuxmas days, gets ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶ lifetime of Linux Handbook's Reader membership for free, which usually costs $18 per year.

Linux Handbook homepage
Linux Handbook is portal dedicated to Linux sysadmin and DevOps educational materials

If you didn't know already, Linux Handbook is our other web portal dedicated to sysadmin and devops side of Linux. And this year, our focus will be to cover more of self-hosting on Linux Handbook.

The Reader level membership of Linux Handbook allows you to access the website content ad-free. It DOES NOT include the courses.

The benefit of free lifetime Linux Handbook Reader level membership is only valid if you opt for It's FOSS Lifetime membership during the Tuxmas days i.e. 11th January. After that, It's FOSS lifetime membership will cost $99 and it won't include Linux Handbook's membership.

How to get the lifetime Plus membership?

This Tuxmas special lifetime membership has ended. Now the lifetime membership costs $99 and Linux Handbook membership is NOT included.
Lifetime Membership
Pay once, enjoy forever

It's a manual process. You make the payment and then notify me. I manually enable your lifetime membership.

And then, please send a mail to [email protected] with the PayPal transaction number or email address and the email address you use for It's FOSS membership.

Alternatively, you can also fill up this form.

Please allow me some time to process your request.

If you already opted for the Lifetime offer, I'll share the Linux Handbook details with you separately.

Enjoy the Plus advantage of It's FOSS 😎

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