Open Source Fueled The Oscar-Winning 'Flow'
A great achievement pulled off using open source software!
Is gaming really on a decline in macOS? Can Linux gain from this?
Yep, you read the title right, Electronic Arts, aka EA, has open sourced some of its games.
So, are you ready to try openSUSE for gaming?
The anti-cheat situation on Linux is getting worse. Let's see what you can do about it.
Are you kidding me, EA? This is how you plan to curb cheating?
The collaboration between Arch Linux and Valve is insane, and much-needed!
What is Valve cooking this time? Interesting things to look out for!
GTA V Online pulls the plug on Linux support. What's happening?
Square Enix decides to invests in Playtron's SteamOS challenger.
Testing supported games on a Linux system from Steam. Here's how it went.
Curious to know how it looks like to run your favorite Windows game on Linux? We share our experience here.
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