Running Doom on Android 16's Linux Terminal
Who would've thought Doom could run on the upcoming Android 16's Linux Terminal?
Distributions that caught your attention in 2023!
VMware customers may not like the intention behind the changes made.
A simple and elegant GUI sync client offering two-way sync.
KDE Plasma 6 sounds impressive. Learn what's in store for you.
Microsoft, what are you up to with GitHub?
YouTube loads up slower on Firefox, just because Google wants it to or not?
Xiaomi embraces open-source for its IoT platform for consumer products.
KDE Plasma 6 comes with modifications that need widget authors to adapt to. Developers, time to port!
A source-available app to end all the annoyances of video streaming applications. What do you think?
Focusrite's wonderful gesture towards supporting Linux.
Kubuntu comes baked in with the necessary KDE Plasma and app upgrades.
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